ESI offers Training and Consulting to mobilize and equip Christ’s Church to better fulfill God’s mission to reach the nations, both here at home and abroad.
The heart of ESI’s ministry is found in the book MissionSmart.
MissionSmart helps you, your church or your organization ask the right questions before engaging in cross-cultural ministry overseas.
“MissionSmart is simple, profound, balanced and insightful. The book identifies the issues that today’s generation of missionary candidates needs to ponder as they pursue God’s leading. The essay is reader-friendly and its format great for individual or small group study. Every candidate, pastor, committee member, professor and agency mobilizer engaged in the Great Commission needs to read this book.”
Watch clips from a BOOK INTERVIEW with author David Frazier.
Real Testimonials from Real Readers
“Every person who is thinking of a career in missions should read MissionSmart. I have been involved in missions since 1977 and have read hundreds of books and articles on missions. This book would be high on my list of recommended missions books. Anyone interested in missions can read this book and have a good understanding of the right questions to ask about the process of selecting a mission field, missions career and mission ministry.”
“The author provided great discussion questions and homework assignments at end of each chapter making it a great tool to use in a small group or individually.”
“I appreciate the author’s attempt to keep the focus of missions on the local church. He emphasizes the importance of involvement of the local church in the missionary process, something most churches neglect.”
““We use this book to disciple a small group into becoming missionaries! We’ve now successfully completed 3 cohorts, meeting every other week, discussing the questions and material. Myself and another are veteran missionaries. We add our experience and perspective into the discussion as well. We’ve launched many missionaries through these groups, and we’ve even deterred a few who weren’t ready as well. Local churches are now sending people to my groups, and asking for my evaluation of the people after the group concludes. I’m able to get a good read on whether people are consistent, whether they follow through, and how they interact with others.””